A Winner Is You: A little congratulatory sentence and a bonus 1,000,000 points.Able - Advanced Herm Sexbot - Agrosh - Aina - Akane - Alex - Alex Surf - Aliss - Alvella - Amara Faell - Amber - Amma - Anarrie - Anno - Anyxine Rhenesunne - Anzhela - Ara Kei - Ardia - Arine - Arkos Arkossonne - Artie - Asennia - Astra - Atha - Attica & Teron - Aurora - Azariah - Azra - Beatrice Reasner - Belle - Bess - Bethany Carver - Betsy & Victoria - Bianca - Big T - Bizzy - Blue - Blue Viper - Bran Flazingan - Brandt - Brandy - Briget - Briha - Brynn - BURNIE - Burt - Busky - Byron McAllister - Cameron - Canada - Candy - Captain Khorgan - Carrie - Cass - Celise - Ceria - Charles - Chaurmine - Cherry - Chrissy - Chupacabro - Ciaran - Colenso - Commander Schora - Connie - Cora - Corona Lord Pilot - Crazy Carl - Cruff - Crystal Goo Incubator - Crystalline Shopkeeper - Cynthia - Dally - Dane - Delilah - Demon Queen Syri - Dizzy - Doctor Badger - Doctor Lash - Doctor Lessau - Doll Maker - Double-Goo - Dr.Suspicious Video-Game Generosity: Whenever a stage's hint says "This one is fast!", whatever quota you're meant to meet is notably lower than it normally is for the point in the game you're at.The audience claps when the player clears a wave, and groans when the player gets a Game Over. Studio Audience: One of the few video games (arcade or otherwise) to try to emulate this trope.Speed Metal: The NES port's soundtrack by BügSük (Lx Rudis and Dave O'Riva).Also, there are three different versions of the four-note jingle that plays when you score a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal KLAX. Sound-Coded for Your Convenience: In the arcade version, each colour of tile produced their own unique sound effect as they tumbled.Path of Most Resistance: While you get a nice bonus, extra leeway on dropping tiles, and you skip the intervening levels when you warp, you can get a far higher score playing through every single level.

Palette Swap: All the tiles, except in the Game Boy version.

One-Word Title: Named after the sound of rolling tiles.You lose if you fail to catch a certain number of tiles (three, four or five, depending on how far you warped at your last chance) during a set of five waves, or if you fill the bin entirely without clearing enough tiles. To pass a level, you have to meet its requirements in order in (almost) each set of five waves: make a number of Klaxes, make a number of diagonal Klaxes, achieve a certain score, survive a set number of tiles, and make a number of horizontal Klaxes. So a minimum start-to-finish playthrough is 40 levels long. The game is 100 levels ("waves") in length, giving the player the opportunity to skip five or 10 of them every five levels, but never allowing you to skip past the 91st stage. Of such things, life-shattering events are made.
#Falling blocks tv tropes plus
The paddle can hold up to five tiles.Ī simple premise: Falling Blocks plus Match-Three Game. They vanish when you line up three or more of the same colour, a feat referred to as a "Klax". Coloured tiles tumble down from above you have to catch them on your paddle and drop them into a 5×5 bin.