Put the cursor on line six and hit F9 on the keyboard to add a breakpoint: When the code hits that line, it will drop into the debugger in the terminal.S02E30 - What's new in Intune Reporting w/ Spencer Shumway - (I.T) Unfortunately, after running the code, no files show up in the destination directory it's time for more PowerShell debugging.

On line six, we see the first item in the converted JSON array. In ISE, press Ctrl + B, or use the Debug -> Break All menu command. This works in both local and remote sessions.

Break All The PowerShell console and PowerShell ISE now allow you to break into the debugger for running scripts. $json = Get-Content $file.FullName | ConvertTo-JsonĬopy-Item $file.FullName -Destination $targetDir PowerShell 5.0 includes several improvements that enhance the debugging experience. $files = Get-ChildItem $sourceDir -filter 2020*.json For example: [Įxpand the script from the previous section to add a check for that date as well: $sourceDir = 'C:\tmp\logs' This special mode permits the use of certain commands.
When the script pauses execution, the Windows PowerShell console drops into debug mode. In our example, the JSON log files contain an array wherein the first item is the date the file was generated. Debugging a Windows PowerShell script often involves setting a breakpoint, which is something that causes the Windows PowerShell script to pause execution. This, however, only offers basic text editing functionality.įor more advanced features, it's best to switch over to Visual Studio Code for PowerShell debugging. Type in a command and then press Shift-Enter to start a new line. It's also possible to write a multiline script interactively in PowerShell. This section describes accessing the Operations Center Script Debugger from. PowerShell does enable admins to write long one-liners, but they can easily become too unwieldy to debug. The Operations Center Script Debugger can be used to develop and test scripts. It's possible to make this snippet a little more intelligent - for example, check the contents of the file to ensure the timestamp inside the log file is also this year. In ISE, press Ctrl+B, or use the Debug -> Break All menu command. Some useful links : PowerShell Debugger or Quick and Efficient PowerShell Script Debugging. , you can add manually breaking point to your second script by using : New-PsBreakpoint. The PowerShell console and PowerShell ISE now allow you to break into the debugger for running scripts. Else if you must debug your script without. Then, enter this one-liner (note: since we're running this command interactively, it is acceptable to use aliases, which are command shortcuts or alternate names): gci $sourceDir -filter *20*.json | % PowerShell 5.0 includes several improvements that enhance the debugging experience. Let's say we're writing a snippet of code to search the current directory for JSON log files that have the year 2020 in the name and then copy those files to another directory.īefore running a script at the console, set some required variables interactively at the prompt: $sourceDir = 'C:\tmp\logs'
Members of the Windows PowerShell team have indicated a full script debugger. Visual Studio Code for PowerShell debugging. The set-PSDebug cmdlet turns Windows PowerShell script debugging on and off.

This tutorial walks through examples that further demonstrate when to use the console vs. For short scripts, the console offers plenty of debugging features, but to debug longer scripts or even modules, use an editor such as Visual Studio Code. There are two common options to debug a PowerShell script: the interactive PowerShell console, or one of many PowerShell code editors. To solve this problem, you can try to anycodingsvscode-debugger restart your current PowerShell session anycodingsvscode-debugger by: Opening the command.