
Tyrian 2000 fleet mission
Tyrian 2000 fleet mission

tyrian 2000 fleet mission

Fearing such an attack the Ytimians train an elite squad of "Stargunners". The Zilions secretly prepare for a massive strike against the nearby planet Ytima. The story, if you need to know it for a shoot-a-thon game, is straightforward: “.deep within the Andromeda galaxy, the people of Zile grow restless – and greedy. w00t! I would have had another Pirate Starbridge as well, but a Pirate Fleet was coming and I didn't want them taking out my new Pirate Enterprise which was pretty shot up when I disabled it.One of the most underrated shooters ever made, Stargunner is a great sci-fi side-scrolling shooter that features excellent gameplay and outstanding graphics and sounds. Killing pirates makes the Freds happy.Īnyway, I just snagged myself a Pirate Enterprise to go with my Pirate Starbridge.

tyrian 2000 fleet mission

I'm mainly picking on the pirates because in joining Polaris, you kind of have to piss off the Freds. I went by the Rebel II port and picked up some marines though, I want to capture more pirate ships. I actually managed to capture the starbridge, but I kinda destroyed the manticore. That's without assistance from hired people or a fleet, all by myself! And I can CLOAK! I have a Zephyr in my sixth game now, which is about the size of a Starbridge, right? I just took down two pirate capital ships - a Pirate Starbridge and a Manticore. I got owned about 20 times before managing to win the situation by using the afterburner to draw enemy fire, then letting my 4 destroyers handle the fight (and also had them launch their own smaller combat ships), coupled with about other 4 to 5 escorts - by the time i had drawed enough enemy fire i sprinted back an immediatelly entered the station, caused mayhem, and ran away. There must've been about 4 destroyers or cruisers and about fifteen smaller combat ships. Upon reaching the system, to my amazement i'm overwhelmed with a heavilly armed welcoming comitee. Kinda makes you feel important out there 8) So i had a VO Dart, and was walking around directing 4 huge ships. Role-Player: Just the other day as i kept advancing in the Vell Os arc i got this absolutely wicked mission, to drive 4 Destroyers to the Courageous docking station, and cause enough destruction. That's why I like hanging out in neutral systems such as those adjacent to Koria there's not much traffic and the governments rarely interfere with one's pirate-hijacking operations. It took at least sixty tries before I managed to keep the command Enterprise intact and board it without my "allies," the Feds, the Rebels, or even the bloody Aurorans blowing it up.

tyrian 2000 fleet mission

The mission where you and a bunch of friendly pirates spring an ambush drove me up the wall. Notes on what systems like what goods would be nice, but I'll tell you what would be nicer: an ignore target button a la TIE Fighter which works for all friendly ships, even those not technically your escorts. I assume one can't board any plot-induced enemy ships? Even though I disabled several Manticores, Thunderheads, and an Enterprise, I couldn't board them. Afterwards I still had two fighters, a Pirate Valkyrie, and the Abomination. The thing I'm flying now is a brick (despite all three engine upgrades-you guys left out the Overdrive), but it's a brick with turrets! And two sets of marines! Before doing the final Pirate lets-get-our-asses-kicked mission I had several stolen Valkyries and Starbridges for escorts, as well as four docked Pirate Thunderheads and an Abomination. Rather than do trade runs I just ran missions for folks United Shipping frequently sent me 50000 credit and even 100K delivery runs! Before the Wild Geese sent me into the Pirate storyline (with the commensurate capital ship and upgrades-you know what I'm talking about) I had a very nice Pirate Starbridge with several railguns and fusion cannons. Psilon: Well, I registered last Sunday and have been playing religiously since then. I wouldn't be surprised if I reproduce a great big starmap on my wall. I've been carefully cataloguing what different planets have to buy and sell all day looking for good trade routes. EVN is the first game ever to make me take notes. Anyway, it's a very cool game, so give it a shot.

Tyrian 2000 fleet mission