1.42 Henkei! Henkei! Transformers -Visualize.1.27 Dreamwave Generation One continuity.1.22 The Official Transformers: Generation 2 Annual.1.20 Mystery of Convoy strategy guide manga.1.10 Listen 'n Play audiobooks continuity.1.9 Listen 'n Fun audiobooks continuity.1.6 Kid Stuff Talking Story Books continuity.Death by the hands of Megatron is an honor. Sometimes he uses his energon mace to strike them down. or his fusion cannon, depending on his mood. Some would question his sanity, though these few are mostly now dead by his hands. Although Megatron rarely wins in his duels with Optimus, few can rival his ability to locate energy sources for the Decepticons. He often shows dramatic examples of cowardice, concealed in rage. This is perhaps due to his arrogance, but his pride is not so strong as to dissuade him from abandoning a battle he is losing. Megatron will attempt almost anything to achieve his goals, but his schemes are rarely in any way subtle. and how much of it is mere words built to fuel warriors to further his desire for personal power. It is the destiny of the Decepticons to bring order to the universe through conquest, though in the millions of years since coining this purpose it remains to be seen how much of his mission statement is altruistic. The opposite of his mortal enemy Optimus Prime, he feels great contempt for other Transformers who, he feels, betray their proud heritage by demanding peace and cooperation with weaker life forms. As a young, charismatic leader forged in battle and the heritage of war, he began to believe in a grand purpose for his race-it is the Transformers' glorious destiny to rule an empire which will span the universe.

Megatron is the founder of the Decepticon uprising, and their most well-known and feared leader.